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Dr. Ofori, Me and his grandkids

Writer's picture: dzapp985dzapp985

Updated: Apr 30, 2022

In 1999, I got the chance of a lifetime. I was able to travel to Ghana, the birth place of my biological father. Yes, I was looking for answers. All I really had to do was to look around me and take in the incredible sight of the maternity information and vaccination sessions that took place at his clinic. I remember feeling a real sense of pride that he was providing this essential service to the community and had been doing so for many years.

You see him here having his picture taken with me. His discomfort was palatable. This could be for several reasons some of which I probably knew little of. As far as I was concerned, I was in the presence of a "rock star". Here was a man who positively impacted the lives of countless Ghanaians. And he happened to be my father--full stop.

Had he decided some forty years earlier to claim me as his son, there was a very

good chance that he would have lost his scholarship to complete his studies in Cologne, Germany. In fact, the authorities had learned that he was in a relationship with a German woman and he received a very direct warning of the consequences for doing so.

Under the circumstances, it's a miracle that he was able to finish his studies and begin his paediatric practice. By the time that I had visited him, he

was in retirement and struggling with his own physical challenges--diabetes among them.

I'm sharing this because in my recently released book, Street Level (that features my street photography from the last 40 years and poetry from F.A.Fwallah), his important legacy is not mentioned. Dr. Aaron Ofori was among the first wave of physicians that cared for the citizens of the newly independent Ghana. He followed his and his family's dream (his father was a nurse--which in most of Africa is like being a doctor). And if he were alive today he would be proud of his many grandkids--pursuing their goals and breaking new ground. One of his grandkids, Jonah, has taken the initiative of restoring connection by visiting with his Ghanaian relatives. Jonah certainly has the means to add to this unique story. Yes, a story that could become its own book.

Relating to the book, Street Level, I'd like to say "thanks" to the many people that have supported it. Here's comments from some folks that have provided some feedback so far.

Evelyn-- ''beautifully put Francisco Fwallah's poems..."

Helen-- "challenging..."

Steven-- "great vision..."

Lois-- "beautiful piece of work..."

Sandy-- "raw, honest details..."

Due to my efforts to sell the book without the help of Amazon, I'm selling it using alternate means that includes e-transfers for Canadian customers. If purchasing from Canada send funds (fill in your name and mailing address in the "message" section) via e-transfer to the email address:

Canadian Prices

1) one book: $27.95 (includes $5 delivery)

2) two books: $45.90 (includes free delivery)

3) three books: $68.85 (includes free delivery)

United States and international customers: Thanks for your patience. I'm literally days away from providing you with the means to make a purchase.

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